Thursday, May 2, 2024

All about Cod Fritters (Pastéis de Bacalhau)

Bolinhos de bacalhau, name in Northern Portugal and Brazil or pastéis de bacalhau, name in Central and Southern Portugal, particularly in the Lisbon area.
Mon, Sep 6, 2021
Views: 4983
All about Cod Fritters (Pastéis de Bacalhau)

Bolinhos de bacalhau, name in Northern Portugal and Brazil ("codfish cakes") or pastéis de bacalhau, name in Central and Southern Portugal, particularly in the Lisbon area, ("codfish pastries" are typically made from a mixture of potatoes, bacalhau (codfish), eggs, parsley, onion and sometimes a hint of nutmeg.

They are also commonly referred to as "salt cod fritters" or "salt cod croquettes" The bolinhos or pastéis de bacalhau are shaped using two spoons, deep fried and served hot or cold before meals as an appetizer or as a meal itself (usually served with plain or seasoned rice, salad and olives).

Ideally, they should be slightly crunchy on the outside and soft and creamy on the inside.

It is called accras de morue in the French Antilles.


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